Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's day as a Solo Poly Person

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays next to Halloween and my birthday. I'm sitting her watching A Charlie Brown Valentine and I'm thinking about growing up and Valentine's day as a kid and a young adult.  Of course love and romance didn't mean the same thing as it does now but I reminisced about getting cards for all of my classmates and receiving cards and candy during our classroom parties.

Fast forward thirty years and I'm here a solo polyamorous woman in multiple long distance relationships. So how do I celebrate this day of love? I'm extremely romantic and I love to show my partners how I feel about them all year long. Unfortunately all of my partners live in different states so being together on that actual day isn't possible. To be honest, I\m sad. I'd love to spend that day or that weekend with them but because they all have separate lives and obligations I won't be able to. **inserts sad face**   I did remedy this situation by scheduling time this month to visit each of them for the weekend.

Last weekend I was with my partner in NYC just hanging out and doing our thing. I love how I feel completely at home with him. His apartment feels like I'm coming home in a way.  My visit was filled with memories of brunch and sight seeing and visiting several places in the city.  Quality time is one of my love languages and I felt so loved and happy just being with him and having coffee and talking.  I can definitely feel the love coming from him all the way from New York State.

The weekend after Valentine's Day I'm scheduled to visit my other partner. I'm planning something romantic with a few surprises.  The romantic in me wants all the chocolate, roses and amazing sex.  Another one of my love languages is gift giving. I love to give and receive gifts, especially when it's a surprise. it shows that my partner has taken time to think about me and he or she has taken time to really think about me and what I truly may like.

 This year I plan to do special things for all my loves to let them know I'm thinking about them on this special day.  How do you celebrate Valentine's day as a polyamorous person? I'd love to know....