Hey everyone, I decided to share my review of this book after realizing how important sexuality and being satisfied sexually is in polyamorous relationships because come on ya'll sex is going to happen unless all of your partners are asexual, and then again some sexy times might happen....
I wrote this review on a site called Goodreads. This is my review from the site:
I’m going to praise this book despite the fact that I started out ever so naively thinking it was only geared for those who can’t have an orgasm. I was very naive to think that most women were having orgasms and not having these problems with partners. For the most part it’s for women to learn and embrace their bodies enough to have an orgasm during partnered sex. The author, who’s a college professor that teaches the psychology of human sexuality did a wonderful job. The book explains and shows why most women can’t orgasm from penis in vagina sex. It also goes into historically why women’s orgasms haven’t been valued. The fact of the matter is that male orgasms have always been valued. Not just valued but intercourse(penis in vagina sex) is solely seen as “sex” and the sequence of male thrusting is the end. The author also was very inclusive of Lesbian women and their relationships even though most lesbians don’t deal with these problems she still emphasized the need for female partners to pay attention and communicate. Becoming clitererate also discussed the other important C word...Communication. Communication is definitely necessary for both parties in discovering their needs and wants. My only issue with this book that she made a whole section for men. The section literally said the same thing the rest of her books said. Why would men need a section when they can just read the book? I also found these twelve commandments and thought they were important as well. The 12 Commandment for Orgasm Equality and Quality Sex