Monday, May 20, 2019

Highlighting US!!!

After the poly visual representation project I did a few months ago it sparked something in me. It sparked a real desire to highlight black polyamorous people.  A few of the folks who participated have blogs, Youtube channels, social media pages and websites dedicated to their poly journey. I'd love to share that with others and my hope is to have more black poly folks start blogs, websites and events that highlight non-monogamous relationships.

  • Loving Solo This blog is written by the lovely Roselyn.  She highlights her poly journey and life from a solo poly perspective.  It's definitely a breath of fresh air to see SoPo black folks living their best lives!
  • Black & Poly Magazine   This website has been a gem to me and I highly recommend it to any black poly person. It's full or articles, movie and book reviews that focus on polyamory and non-monogamy.
  • Black Sex Geek  Ruby Bouie Johnson is the main presenter of this page.  She states "This page is dedicated to expression, support, and advocacy for people of color within the community, state, and nation. This page is designed for the dissemination of news, politics, and sexuality education."
  • Poly Phamily Values  This Facebook page showcases a black poly family and their life. I had the pleasure of including them in the visual representation project as well. 
  • Lavitaloca Sawyers  A seriously dope poly individual that is out,loud and proud about her polyamory...the good and the bad. 
  • Poly Role Models An Instagram page ran by Kevin Patterson who is the author of two books; Loves Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and other alternative communities and For Hire: Operator. Also, if you have tumblr visit the page.
  • Poly Collective  An Instagram page highlighting black poly events in the DMV and surrounding areas. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Happily poly saturated

I'm sitting at work thinking about my poly life and I've come to the conclusion that I'm currently poly saturated. The definition, if you didn't know what it means is "Polyamorous, but not currently open to new relationships or new partners because of the number of existing partners, or because of time constraints that might make new relationships difficult". All of those reasons are why I'm poly saturated at the moment.   Even though I'm poly saturated  I'm so happy. I feel this contentment and excitement deep within me. I have AWESOME people in my life. The connections that I've made within the last six months have just made my whole life feel satisfying.

 Personally, everyone I'm involved with isn't a partner in the traditional sense but those individuals in my life bring me joy. I can talk to them freely. We share life's ups and down.  They're my personal cheerleaders and they all have been there when I was having a rough time and all of this is vice versa

This is probably the best thing about being poly. The sense of belonging to this tribe of interconnected people who all have this collective goal but we're all living our lives.   I feel this freedom and this happiness within me and that's all that matters, right?  I've been asked by several people how do I manage it? How do you give your partners time?  It's easy I tell them. Every one of my partners requires direct levels of communication and attention. We all lead very busy lives with work, family and other personal and professional projects that we are working on.  But we all manage to call, text or FaceTime.  I'm so happily poly saturated with love.