Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emotional Intimacy

A few days ago I saw an article posted online that sparked something in me. It sparked all these thoughts and feelings about intimacy within all of my polyamorous relationships. The article is entitled "How Long it takes to develop emotional intimacy in a new relationship". You can read it here. While most of my current relationships aren't new, once I read the article I had to process several things and I had a few realizations along the way.  One thing I realized about myself is that I've been impatient with a few of my relationships.

The article pointed out that emotional intimacy in a new relationship doesn't happen overnight.  Now I'm sitting here saying Duh to myself because this is very obvious,but my impatience has said otherwise.
One thing that this article brought to my attention about myself is that I need to work on my patience.  I've been told this by one of my partners before. She says that I rushed most of the time and I've rushed her before. I've rushed her to feel things that I've felt but she didn't feel these feelings yet. 

I won't blame society for my constant need for gratification but I was seriously trying to put some of my relationships in a "life microwave". I just wanted to heat them up in a few seconds and instantly have this hot,steamy intimate relationship that leaves me awestruck and floating on Cloud 9 constantly.   No, that isn't how it works!!! I'm screaming to myself now as I write this post.
"True intimacy must be built with patience and mortar brick by brick to lay a solid foundation",the author highlights this as well.

Also the author says " Emotional intimacy requires a deep level of trust".
Being able to trust each other has been one thing I've had to learn as well. I also had to learn that all of my partners won't trust me as fast as I trust them and vice versa.

I feel slightly embarrassed because I should know this. But I also have to realize life is all about learning and becoming a better person.   I'm constantly learning and unlearning certain things about myself. A few of those things has to do with love and relationships.
Looking back over this past year I've evolved significantly. I've evolved in understanding who I am as a Queer women, why I currently identify as such as well as how polyamory and kink fit into my life.
It's been a slight roller coaster of sorts but I'm grateful for the growth. I truly am.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Relationships or (LDR's) for short are both a good thing and a bad thing in my opinion.   Hey, ya'll I'm back and I wanted to discuss a topic that's close to my heart so to speak....long-distance relationships.

I'm currently in several LDR's, and with the exception of one of my poly relationships, this has been the only type of relationship I've engaged in.   I started thinking about how I feel about being in multiple LDR's today particularly because I'm missing my partners and I really wish I could have a few cuddles or have a romantic date night.   I will admit sometimes being in an LDR works for everyone because of our work schedules and family life.   All of my partners work full time,some have businesses to run or have other obligations such as kids or family members to take care of so it would be difficult to see each other if we all lived in the same city.  The more and more I thought about these types of relationships the more I recognized that they work for me.

They work for me mainly now for several reasons. One of the reasons is that the poly dating pool in Northeastern Ohio is small and the Queer poly dating pool here is even smaller.  I had to ponder this when one of my partners and I were talking and they said they didn't like that I got lonely some times.  After thinking long and hard I realized the amount of b.s that I may possibly endure looking for someone it wouldn't be worth any of the hassle. The older I get the less tolerance and patience I have for nonsense.  I know it's already difficult to date when you're straight and monogamous.

They remembered and recognized that my love language is Quality Time which I was so happy and grateful for.  My definition of quality time is really spending time with my partners and people who I really truly care about. But the amount of time and frequency isn't really important because it's with people who I truly value.  The infrequency of my visits with my partners isn't really an issue with me because I know when I see them the time spent will be cherished like no other. Every single second spent is and will be an experience that will bring me joy. Making memories during those times leave a lasting impression on my heart.

The realization that even if I had a local love we'd still be under time constraints from our jobs and family life put things in serious perspective.   Are you in a long-distance relationship? Are you hesitant to be in one?  Please comment and let me know.   Thanks for reading!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Mononormativity...what is it actually? I learned this term through a page I follow on Facebook called Naturally Polyamorous.   I was confused until I read a definition of the term which is "Of or pertaining to the practices and institutions that privilege or value monosexual and monogamous relationships as fundamental and "natural" within society.

Through the years of my practicing ethical non-monogamy, I learned that mononormativity is the assumption even among polyamorous people.  Mononormativity for me is like being on the relationship escalator.  The relationship escalator is The default set of societal expectations for intimate relationships. Partners follow a progressive set of steps, each with visible markers, toward a clear goal.  For most monogamous people the clear goal is marriage and children. That's the clear goal of some poly folks as well.  But stepping off the relationship escalator is one of the ways we can dismantle the practice and concept of mononormativity within our community.  Even though the majority of people coming into non-monogamy/polyamory are coupled, there are single people who still want to find nesting partners, possibly have kids/more kids and then get married.

All of this is good for some people but like the definition says it's a societal norm that we still hold as the model of our relationships.  Personally, I identify with the solo poly movement and those who practice relationship anarchy.  In my opinion, it is a way to silently break these cultural nuances and remove certain ideas surrounding our relationships as poly individuals. Some examples of mononomativity that I've taken from the Naturally Polyamorous page:

  1. "When you only have one "love", one focus or one option then you will do what you can do to keep things balanced but when there are more options when there are more loves when there is MORE the way you think about balance shifts."
  2. When you tell people that you have more than one lover, they often reduce one or the other person to an option. 
  3. In the monogamous world to consider anyone as an option is to make them less than, one of many...never "THE ONE".
I love this quote that she posted on the Naturally Polyamorous page which was "My lovers are an "option" because I like to have choices. They are an option because I do not own them. They do not own me. We don't own each other, rather we CHOOSE each other over and over again without losing ourselves or our options."   Whewww chile that's a word right there! That statement speaks volumes in itself because monogamy is so much about choosing and controlling your partner in my opinion. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Book Review: Stories from the Polycule: Real life in Polyamorous Families

Hmmm, I've been seriously mulling over how I feel about this book. Certain parts of me loved it while other parts of me didn't like it because of how polyamory(or how the person discussing their poly family/lifestyle),portrayed it. I was irritated and frustrated a few times while reading the book but then I had to remember that these are individual experiences and I can't invalidate them just because it sounds really bad and puts polyamory in a bad light in my opinion.The author(s) Elizabeth Sheff and Tikva Wolf did a pretty decent job compiling stories, poems drawings and essays from poly families overall.

 Here's a blurb about the book that I thought was helpful: Welcome to the polycule: the network created by the interconnections of polyamorous relationships. Just like the molecules that make up all living things, polycules come in diverse forms: large, small, tightly bound, loosely connected, static, ever-changing. How do polycules form, what do they look like, how do they transform through time, and how do they, sometimes, end? The first of its kind, this anthology brings together stories, poems, drawings and essays created by real people living in polycules.   I'm constantly trying to put polyamory on the forefront, constantly trying to normalize it. I do it primarily to show society that it is just as good as monogamy. However, my inner self also says I don't owe it anyone and you should just live your life. Also, I'm speaking out publicly to reduce the stigma surrounding polyamory.

Elizabeth Sheff edited this piece and while I think she did a good job, I don't know why she felt the need to include two stories,one of which was her own, talking about monogamish relationships. WHY WOULD THIS BE IN AN ANTHOLOGY ABOUT POLYAMORY IF YOU AREN'T POLYAMOROUS???? I seriously want to ask her this because it's pretty asinine! Being Monogamish is not polyamory.

It's not even under the non-monogamy umbrella in my opinion. No offense to the author or anyone who likes her but I don't think she could call herself an expert at polyamorous relationships. She went into a poly relationship under duress basically and that's how things get fucked up and folk's feelings get hurt. I'm still happy overall that I read this book.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Black Poly Pride

It's June and that means it's Pride season for some of us.  Being a part of the LGBTQ community as well as being poly can sometimes mean community but sometimes it just feels like we're a very small group of people in this huge world.   I normally don't do groups on social media for varying reasons. Most of them include the fact that very few people participate, there's always drama or the topics are focused on people just coming into polyamory. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm better than anyone or anything like that but I do feel like I've spent enough time on topics such as jealousy and unicorn hunting/triads etc.    I really want to be in a group of poly black folks who can discuss topics within polyamory that are deeper than the normal stuff.   

And yup I said, poly black folks! Why would I want to create a space for poly black people you may ask? First because of racism. If you've read a few of my posts, I've( and a few other people) have experienced racism in the poly community.  On top of the racism, there are subtle microaggressions that we deal with on a day to day basis.   I've been intentionally wanting to create a safe space for polyamorous black people.    I realized we need a safe space full of our peers to let our hair down and to not have to constantly code switch or fear being fetishized.   Sadly, that hasn't been possible.  It feels and seems impossible to create this space for us.

Why is it so I wonder? Even when we have these spaces we don't participate or we fall back and just lurk.   I feel that any time I'm on social media or in my life period, I'm doing things for a reason. I'm very calculated and intentional with the things I do.  Before a particular group, I was in disbanded, I made a poll and specifically asked people why weren't they participating in the group.  Within a few minutes, I saw that several people saw the poll but didn't even bother to answer it. I was thinking to myself WTF!!! You mean to tell me that you saw the poll and couldn't take a few seconds to respond to make the group better????

That whole situation fueled my anger and it also made me think.   It made me think about the black community as a whole really.    some of us complain that we don't have anything for US blah blah.   But when someone intentionally makes a space for us there is little to no participation. Is this a vicious cycle?   Long story short on the social media group, It was deleted due to the low participation amongst other things.  That situation made me kinda sad.   Then I was on Facebook today and saw a posting from a page I follow, Loving Solo.    The post was talking about a black poly pride event.   I immediately went to the website and saw that it was a whole weekend of workshops dedicated and featuring black polyamorous folks.  It immediately made me happy and I wanted to know if I could possibly make it out to Dallas. Then I found out that the date was next weekend and I myself would be out of town celebrating Pride events in a different city.

I had to know if there would another event like this next year so that I could attend. Now I feel happy and I haven't lost all my faith. I see that I'm not the only person trying to make spaces and community for black polyamorous people. So I will continue to try and make these spaces available to those few who want to be a part of a community, of family and to tell our stories.

Hey for anyone who's interested in Black Poly Pride event, please visit their website here

Monday, May 20, 2019

Highlighting US!!!

After the poly visual representation project I did a few months ago it sparked something in me. It sparked a real desire to highlight black polyamorous people.  A few of the folks who participated have blogs, Youtube channels, social media pages and websites dedicated to their poly journey. I'd love to share that with others and my hope is to have more black poly folks start blogs, websites and events that highlight non-monogamous relationships.

  • Loving Solo This blog is written by the lovely Roselyn.  She highlights her poly journey and life from a solo poly perspective.  It's definitely a breath of fresh air to see SoPo black folks living their best lives!
  • Black & Poly Magazine   This website has been a gem to me and I highly recommend it to any black poly person. It's full or articles, movie and book reviews that focus on polyamory and non-monogamy.
  • Black Sex Geek  Ruby Bouie Johnson is the main presenter of this page.  She states "This page is dedicated to expression, support, and advocacy for people of color within the community, state, and nation. This page is designed for the dissemination of news, politics, and sexuality education."
  • Poly Phamily Values  This Facebook page showcases a black poly family and their life. I had the pleasure of including them in the visual representation project as well. 
  • Lavitaloca Sawyers  A seriously dope poly individual that is out,loud and proud about her polyamory...the good and the bad. 
  • Poly Role Models An Instagram page ran by Kevin Patterson who is the author of two books; Loves Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and other alternative communities and For Hire: Operator. Also, if you have tumblr visit the page.
  • Poly Collective  An Instagram page highlighting black poly events in the DMV and surrounding areas. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Happily poly saturated

I'm sitting at work thinking about my poly life and I've come to the conclusion that I'm currently poly saturated. The definition, if you didn't know what it means is "Polyamorous, but not currently open to new relationships or new partners because of the number of existing partners, or because of time constraints that might make new relationships difficult". All of those reasons are why I'm poly saturated at the moment.   Even though I'm poly saturated  I'm so happy. I feel this contentment and excitement deep within me. I have AWESOME people in my life. The connections that I've made within the last six months have just made my whole life feel satisfying.

 Personally, everyone I'm involved with isn't a partner in the traditional sense but those individuals in my life bring me joy. I can talk to them freely. We share life's ups and down.  They're my personal cheerleaders and they all have been there when I was having a rough time and all of this is vice versa

This is probably the best thing about being poly. The sense of belonging to this tribe of interconnected people who all have this collective goal but we're all living our lives.   I feel this freedom and this happiness within me and that's all that matters, right?  I've been asked by several people how do I manage it? How do you give your partners time?  It's easy I tell them. Every one of my partners requires direct levels of communication and attention. We all lead very busy lives with work, family and other personal and professional projects that we are working on.  But we all manage to call, text or FaceTime.  I'm so happily poly saturated with love.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Breaking up

Breaking up is really hard to do.  I've sadly had to break up with a partner and I've also been broken up with so I can understand both sides of the coin. In a perfect world, or in my mind, relationships wouldn't end and people would work out their problems and differences but we don't live in a perfect world. Sigh 

This past year I had two relationships that ended for varying reasons. Time constraints and needing and wanting other things were a few of the major reasons.  And to be honest when those relationships ended  I was in emotional pain. I mourned the loss of those relationships. I mourned the loss of the things we had shared and the possibilities for the future as well as the loss of that person in my life.  I don't feel like there's enough talk within the poly community surrounding breakups and the loss of relationships.   I don't think most people realize just how hard it can be. I know people think just because you have more than one partner losing one isn't going to affect you but it definitely does! 

  I've had to pretend like I'm okay after a break up when in fact I'm not. I'm seriously hurting. I've had to "put on a brave face" to mask my hurt.   My other partners know and try to help me work through it as best they can but sadly, it's a situation that you have to work through by yourself.   I just want to shoutout my partners (and everyone else's partners) who've been there during and after a breakup. You guys are the real MVP's!!! Thank you so much.   I want to thank my partners M and V for both talking to me and hearing me out during the tough times and just being supportive.  Thanks for being there while I cried on the phone with you. Thanks for being there when I texted you trying to figure things out. I'm grateful, so very grateful for you two.    I wrote an article for Black & Poly magazine last year the first time I experienced a poly break up. If you want to read it here's
the link

Last year when I wrote the article I was operating out of pain and experiencing those raw emotions first hand.  I didn't even know what to do or how to process everything that was going on.  Instead of experiencing and feeling, I tried to ignore my feelings until I received a comment and some great advice.    I was simply told to feel and experience all the emotions and not to hold them in. That comment was extremely profound. So I took the advice and processed those feelings surrounding the breakup. By doing so it helped me understand the relationships and the motivations surrounding the breakups.    Have you experienced a poly breakup? How did you heal from it? Are you still healing and if you are how has the process been?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Racism in the poly community??

I had an interesting situation on Monday. Well, it wasn't a situation it was more like an experience. I decided to attend a poly event that's close to my job. I had never attended an event with this group, and since I started The Black & Poly Cleveland group it's been enough for me.  A few days prior I saw the topic and said hey I'll go, why not? The topic was surrounding sex and intimacy.  I thought well this is gonna be interesting.   I RSVP and when Monday rolled around I showed up after work to the location about 20 minutes before the start time.  It was at a Panera, so I stared at the menu before deciding on a salad.  The location was packed and I had no idea where the meeting room was at.   Luckily, certain locations have meeting spaces and most people are grateful for that level of privacy.    As I grabbed my food,  I saw a member of B&P Cleveland who was there with his husband.  I was happy to see a familiar face as  I followed him into the meeting room and sat my food down before we moved the tables and chairs around. Now, here's where the story gets sad and interesting........

I decided to help them move the chairs and tables around into a circle to make it easier for us all to see each other.  Once we  were done we all sat down and I began eating. I noticed that I was the only POC there,actually, the only black person there.  I sat down I felt the air in the room change. They probably thought I was in the wrong place   I'm the type of person that notices everything. I noticed body language and the whole vibe. I noticed people speaking to other people but not one person even said hello to me.  At first I took it as people coming in and seeing their friends. Then the meeting began and I saw that the chair immediately to the left and right of me were empty despite the fact that everyone else was sitting side by side.

  Once I started the B&P Cleveland group I had a few black poly people tell me just how grateful they were that I started the group.  They told me how they had went to events with with this particular group and how awkward it was for them. How they didn't feel welcome etc. and now I understood sadly.  The conversation went okay but I had to explain how on a cultural level black and brown people don't have serious hangups regarding sex or being sexual. I think we feel like it's a normal thing. We celebrate pleasurable activities all the time like food and music and sex is just another normal pleasurable activity.

The group owner and I were cool and he's attended B&P meetups so when it ended I caught a ride home with him, since we practically live in the same neighborhood (No sense in taking a Lyft,right)  We've spoken candidly about race before and I felt comfortable enough to tell him how I felt and my experience. Of course he apologized because he felt a responsibility as the group owner.   But I told him there was no need because he's not responsible for other people's actions or behaviors.  I then explained that I'd probably won't attend another event with the group. I think that saddened him even more.  I just can't go into spaces that make me feel uncomfortable or not welcome. And as I sit here writing the post I've changed the title of the post a few times to what it's really about.  And that's racism in poly communities.

I guess I've been naive to think that racism doesn't exist in the poly community, or the BDSM community or the LGBTQ community but it does.  I have even more questions now because what should we do as POC when we experience this? I personally don't feel the responsibility to bridge the racial divide with white poly folks who may be racist or who may be uncomfortable with Black/POC individuals in their spaces.  That's the work that they have to do. I will however continue to cultivate spaces and experiences for black and brown poly folks.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Black Representation.....A Project

I started this blog for several reasons but the main reason was for representation. I'm pretty sure when most people think of anything other than monogamy they envision only white people doing it. I've heard it so many times, poly what?? That's some "white peoples shit"  But we as black and brown folks have been practicing so many forms of non-monogamy for centuries. We may not have had a name for it but we were doing it.

While looking for stock photos for the blog I realized there were no black faces represented, and if they were they were of triads or polygamy. While both of those are forms of non-monogamy I don't feel like it always represents what polyamory is and newsflash folks you know everyone isn't in a triad or seeking to be a sister wife.  So I said if  you want to see something done, you have to do it yourself  Jai.

The really great thing about being poly is the community. I have a community of black poly friends(mostly online) who support me whenever I have crazy ideas, and vice versa.  I'm lucky and very grateful to have that because most people don't have it. Most people can barely tell anyone that they aren't monogamous or that they're not straight or that they're into BDSM or have specific kinks etc.   As I sought out faces for this project I knew a few people who couldn't do it because of social or family obligations and it really made me sad that we live in a society where monogamy is pushed as "the norm" and people can't just live their collective lives and be happy.  So I sought help from my community and they came through. Thank you to everyone who helped me! Thanks to my meta, Andrea, for giving me the idea to do some sort of video as well. You rock!!

This project surprisingly showcased mostly solo poly people and it made me proud but there were other relationship configurations as well that just goes to show you there's not one way to do poly or to be poly.   So without further ado here's the video

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Emotional Currency

I learned about this concept from my partner M last night. We were talking about processing emotions and how to talk to about them with our partners.  M said he'd learned a concept early on in his poly journey and it was emotional currency.   He said emotional currency is having enough emotional energy stored up to deal with emotional or difficult situations. That hit me square in the face because I generally have emotional currency when I talk and deal with emotions with my partners, but several times I've discussed really difficult situations and I literally had zero dollars in my emotional bank.

On a personal level dealing with hard situations and arguing with a partner depletes all of my emotional currency.  Talking with M last night made me realize how many times I've done this and just how harmful it can be to me and my psyche.   On the flip side, I can say that there are a few things that fill up my emotional bank.   For instance, when a partner shares with me and shows vulnerability it increases my emotional currency bank or when my partners remember my love languages and does something in response to them such as spending quality time with me  All these things fill me up on an emotional level.

I can also say that I fill up my emotional bank by processing old situations that I may not have gotten over. I would be lying if I told you that I don't have past issues that I have yet to address. Of course I do! Processing those emotions surrounding those situations can take away from my emotional currency as well "credit" my emotional account.  I didn't like my accounting classes while I was in college, but the idea of debits and credits when talking about an emotional bank rings true for me. I've been "debiting" from my emotional bank account and very little "credits" have been deposited.  My emotional account has been in the negative for awhile and now I have to do a bit of bookkeeping to figure out where I went wrong and how I can get back into good standing.  So far,writing in my  journal and being good to myself has been what has been helping me.

 Writing in my journal gives me the opportunity to write without the fear of judgement or the fear of having to explain myself or my actions to anyone.  Being good to myself is a concept that's a bit more hard to describe. Being good to myself means being a bit more understanding and not so hard on myself  constantly.  Not blaming myself for everything, and realizing that I'm human and that I make mistakes is a way that I'm being good to myself.  I also have to accept that relationships, just like life, has it's ups and downs and it's not the end of the world if I have a disagreement with my partner(s).   How do you feel about emotional currency as a poly concept? Are you adding to your bank or are you depleting it?        

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Catching up!

Hey ya'll I just want to do a catch up post because I have been neglecting the blog.  Well, first off I having been living my poly life.....traveling and spending time with my wonderful partners in New York and Maryland/ D.C.  One of my new years goals/resolutions I made was to see and spend time with them as much as possible since last year there was so much time that we didn't spend with each other due to our schedules and work. It sucked and I promised that I would see each one of them at least once a month. Whooo, I know that's a tough one right? Financially really but that's something I wanted to do. So I've been on and off the Greyhound for the last couple of months (despite the fact that I loathe the Greyhound!)

Tomorrow  I'll be traveling once again to Washington D.C. to visit two of my loves. It will be a new experience because I will spending time with them both separately and I'll be flying in this time. Two whole awesome days to be with people who I care about. As the days count down I feel myself get happier and the anxiety grows. Just thinking about them and their smiling faces makes me beam with joy. Three weeks later I'm supposed to be traveling to New York to visit and spend time with my other partner.  Yes, I'm a busy poly bee.

I have also started a new poly project. I call it Black Poly Visual Representation because while searching for stock photos for this blog actually. I couldn't find any black people or couples when I just search for the words "black" and "polyamory". I also spoke out about the need for positive representation in the media and the need for society to see more black and POC representation in so called alternative lifestyles(whatever that means..*insert eye rolls*)  So I mulled the idea over and posted it on my social media and got some feedback from my wonderful meta who's been there along the way to give me advice and ideas. I wanted it to be a visual presentation so I thought about pictures and a slideshow that may possibly be set to music along with information on the participants such as the poly configurations.  If you're interested in participating here is the link Black Poly Representation Project

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Boundaries within relationships

I've thought long and hard about what this means in relationships, mainly poly relationships. Boundaries are necessary and needed of course in any type of relationship. You have to"draw the line" somewhere. Some things are acceptable and others really aren't.  Last month's Black & Poly meet-up was on the topic, however we didn't get a chance to really discuss the topic in depth.

I thought of the topic at the prior meet-up when one of the group participants said something and I said well would it be a boundary to ask your partner not to have sex in the bed you share? He said no that is an actual rule. I thought to myself what???!! How is that a rule when it's a clear boundary in a relationship? We had a discussion about it further and then I just so happened to start reading the chapter in More than Two, that defined boundaries concern your self: what you are alone, and others may access only with your permission.   But we can divide personal boundaries into two rough categories: physical(your body, your sexuality) and mental(your intimacy, your emotions, your affections)  " Genuine boundaries recognize that others make their own choices, and we do not have the right (or ability) to control their choices.

On a personal level I realized I had to reevaluate where my boundaries lay with all my relationships and also set new boundaries with partners who I had previously had a different type of relationship( i.e. BDSM) More Than Two gives examples of boundaries as:

  • I will not be involved with someone who is not open and honest with all other partners about dating me.
  • I will not have unbarriered sex with partners whose sexual behavior does not fall within my level of acceptable sexual health risk.
  • I will not become involved with someone who is not already committed to polyamory.
  • I will not remain in a relationship with a partner who threatens me or uses violence.
  • I will choose the level of closeness I want with my partners' other partners, subject to their consent. 
As a solo poly person I haven't had to state my boundaries to my partners but I know that there should be constant talks surrounding our own boundaries and what we will do and what we will accept.  We all must remember that boundaries in any type of relationship are necessary to maintain our own personal autonomy and self respect. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's day as a Solo Poly Person

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays next to Halloween and my birthday. I'm sitting her watching A Charlie Brown Valentine and I'm thinking about growing up and Valentine's day as a kid and a young adult.  Of course love and romance didn't mean the same thing as it does now but I reminisced about getting cards for all of my classmates and receiving cards and candy during our classroom parties.

Fast forward thirty years and I'm here a solo polyamorous woman in multiple long distance relationships. So how do I celebrate this day of love? I'm extremely romantic and I love to show my partners how I feel about them all year long. Unfortunately all of my partners live in different states so being together on that actual day isn't possible. To be honest, I\m sad. I'd love to spend that day or that weekend with them but because they all have separate lives and obligations I won't be able to. **inserts sad face**   I did remedy this situation by scheduling time this month to visit each of them for the weekend.

Last weekend I was with my partner in NYC just hanging out and doing our thing. I love how I feel completely at home with him. His apartment feels like I'm coming home in a way.  My visit was filled with memories of brunch and sight seeing and visiting several places in the city.  Quality time is one of my love languages and I felt so loved and happy just being with him and having coffee and talking.  I can definitely feel the love coming from him all the way from New York State.

The weekend after Valentine's Day I'm scheduled to visit my other partner. I'm planning something romantic with a few surprises.  The romantic in me wants all the chocolate, roses and amazing sex.  Another one of my love languages is gift giving. I love to give and receive gifts, especially when it's a surprise. it shows that my partner has taken time to think about me and he or she has taken time to really think about me and what I truly may like.

 This year I plan to do special things for all my loves to let them know I'm thinking about them on this special day.  How do you celebrate Valentine's day as a polyamorous person? I'd love to know....

Monday, January 21, 2019

Your vibe attracts your tribe

Happy New Year! I know I'm a bit late but It's 2019 and the saying "Your vibe attracts your tribe"is what I'm screaming all year long. My personal tribe is made up of awesome people who excel in their personal and professional lives, even my metamours all are awesome people who're doing great things in life as well.

Your vibe attracts your tribe has several meanings to me.  My vibe is my personal attitude as well as  the direction my life is going.  I know that life can hand you lemons and everything isn't always going to be positive but generally we all(my partners/metamours) have a positive attitude about life and how things are going in our very separate lives.

I think it helps to remember this when seeking out new connections as well. It's helped me when I was monogamous and it has helped me find and seek other partnerships over the years. I prefer to be in relationships with people who have similar goals in life.  It's not to say that everyone you meet or decided to possibly add to your life shouldn't have different ideas and different goals.

I think that having a pretty positive outlook on life in general helps to attract people overall.  You may of course attract people that have a different mindset and goals than you overall and that's fine too.  My growth has made me realize that it's okay to see the world differently. It's okay to place values on different things than me.  We're all "rowing" towards something, not against the current that we call LIFE.