Wednesday, March 9, 2022

I have a Podcast!!!!


Hey everyone! Yes, you read the title correctly, I have a podcast!!! I never wanted to be one of those "podcast people" but here I am a few months later after thinking about the idea with my forever Meta, Dre.  We both really wanted to discuss all the misconceptions about solo polyamory that's out there in the world. Even among the polyamory community, I think there are misconceptions and a bit of bias against us.  We've both heard so many negative things that you know we had to speak up and dispel those myths. 

We named the podcast Autonomously Poly, because of course that's a dope name but it also shows that our autonomy in our poly life comes first!!! I was nervous to even have a podcast. I had so many thoughts in my head like what if I don't sound good? What if we run out of topics? What if no one listens?  All these crazy thoughts were in my head for something that was supposed to be fun and a way to connect with the larger community.  We plan to put out new episodes once every two weeks. We also plan on talking to guest hosts on a few topics so tune in.  If you want to listen in please follow the link below
