Monday, December 31, 2018

Where Should I begin..books on Polyamory

When I started my poly journey I wanted to read anything and everything about the subject. I didn't even know that there were so many books about polyamory or non-monogamy.  On a personal level books are very important for me. I'm naturally very curious and when I want to know something I look directly for a book on the topic. Growing up books were my way to learn about the world as well as a form of entertainment when I was bored and didn't want to watch t.v.

For people coming into this lovestyle, I recommend several books. As I've learned more about myself, I realized I prefer nonfiction books on the topic, even though I've read a few fiction books that show polyamory/non-monogamy in a good light.  Last year  I started writing reviews of books about Polyamory for Black & Poly online magazine. The title of this post is for those newbies who come into polyamory not knowing where to begin. They ask questions that could be answered within a book. I think to myself, Why would someone ask a question to a bunch of strangers when they could just find it out themselves? I guess that's how I think. I'm not very keen on getting advice from other people.

I now realize in certain situations it's good to hear other perspectives because you won't get all the answers from books. And of course there are the lived experiences that help us learn as well.  I simply champion for books on the subject simply because most mistakes that I see newbies doing can be fixed simply by reading a book or two on Polyamory. And when you read also you may learn a few things about yourself. I will admit that I am and can be very introspective, especially with a topic that I find interesting. Reading books on the subject has helped me learn how to process things such as jealousy, learn about compersion and also become better at listening and communicating overall.

So here's my list of books that I recommend everyone to read on polyamory:

1. More than Two by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert.  I consider this book the poly "bible"! It's one of the first books I recommend. It's full of advice on so many topics and the authors give their collective lived experiences as well.

2. The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton.

3.  The Game Changer:  A memoir of Disruptive Love by Franklin Veaux. You can read my review here

4. Love's Not Color Blind by Kevin Patterson. You can read my review here

5.  The Polyamorist Next Door by Elisabeth Sheff. You can read my review here

6. Polyamory in the 21st Century: Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners by  Deborah Anapol

7. For Hire: Operator by Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan

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